Return Policy
All orders shipped to the US are currently exempt from customs and duty meaning the price shown at checkout is the final price.
In the rare case that your order doesn't arrive within the delivery aim we will not be able to reship the order until the claim period has passed.
We have a very small number of parcels that are rejected by customs. If your parcel is seized by Customs we will reship or refund it free of charge. We have a 99.99% success rate with customs clearanc
When your order has shipped, you will receive an email notification from Return Policyus which will include a tracking number you can use to check its status. Please allow time for the tracking information to become active.
Due to the nature of our products we cannot accept any returns or requests refunds other than when the product is delivered to you in a damaged state. Sometimes your package can go on quite a journey to get to you and your packaging may get damaged, we will only perform refunds or exchanges where the product has reached you in a damaged condition.
If your order has been marked as delivered on your property (eg Left on doorstep/porch) and is subsequently lost or stolen we will not issue a refund or reship. If you believe the courier has done this against your wishes you should contact them and raise a claim.
You must store your bottles upright, bottles left on their side for extended periods of time will leak. Please check all your bottles for damage and contact us at Contact@pigsofweho.com with your order number within 48 hours of receiving them if you have any issues.
Items not reported as damaged within 48 hours of being delivered will not be accepted for replacement or refund.